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The Electronic Wireless Show S2 Episode 19: a Terraria board game, you say?

Oh tabletop games, our lovely cousins. Or possibly grandfathers?

In a twist of serendipity, the Terraria board game was shown at the very same UK Games Expo that Nate himself visited! We couldn't have planned it better (and indeed, did not) which means this week on The Electronic Wireless Show podcast we talk about not just that board game, but other PC versions of board games, and vice verse, and the games we think should have tabletop versions.

Plus, this week we have once again been playing current video games, and Nate returns with an extremely silly mini-game. In the hardware section James lets us in on the unlikely second wind for VR headsets, most notably Apple's extremely stupid fake face projection thing. Please, Silicon Valley: stop.

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You can listen above, or on on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, or Pocket Casts. You can find the RSS feed here, and you can discuss the episode on our Discord channel, which has a dedicated room for podcast chat.

Music is by Jack de Quidt.

We record on a Tuesday so some things may have changed by the time you listen to it.

Recommendations this week are for Biossance Mineral Sunscreen, winner of the inaugural Worst TV Show I Have Ever Seen award The Rookie, and the tabletop game Orc Borg

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Alice Bell

Deputy Editor

Small person powered by tea and books; RPS's dep ed since 2018. Send her etymological facts and cool horror or puzzle games.

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