Star Wars Jedi Survivor lightsaber parts and materials, and where to get them
Where to get all lightsaber parts and materials in Jedi: Survivor
Looking for more lightsaber parts and materials in Jedi: Survivor? Whether or not you think that Respawn's latest instalment of Cal Kestis's journey is the best Star Wars game ever made, it's undeniable that lightsaber customisation has never been this good in games. With nearly 100 unique lightsaber parts to mix and match, thousands of material combinations, and a multitude of colors to choose from, you can make your lightsaber utterly unique to you in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
The only trick is tracking down all of the lightsaber parts and materials scattered across Koboh, Jedha, and all the other destinations along Cal's path. In this guide we'll show off every single lightsaber part and material in Jedi: Survivor, and explain exactly where to get your hands on each one.
Note: if you're looking for a guide on the different colors for your lightsaber blade, then check out our separate Jedi: Survivor lightsaber colors guide. You can also get inspiration for your own saber with our list of the best lightsaber designs in Jedi: Survivor!
Jedi: Survivor lightsaber parts
Your lightsaber in Jedi: Survivor is made up of four parts: the Emitter, the Pommel, the Switch, and the Grip - but depending on your choice of Jedi: Survivor lightsaber stance you might get repeated parts across the length of your saber, as well as the extra Vents part which is unique to the Crossguard stance.
Each of these parts can be switched out for various designs that you can pick up along your journey, and you can mix and match styles from different lightsaber designs. For example, you might want a lightsaber with the grip from Jaro Tapal's lightsaber, the emitter from the Patience lightsaber design, and so on. There are 19 sets of lightsaber parts in Jedi: Survivor, and we'll go over each of them below, along with where to find every part of each set.
Jaro Tapal lightsaber parts

Jaro Tapal's lightsaber is probably the closest thing we'll get to a canon version of Cal's lightsaber. Inherited from Cal's former master, this lightsaber has a fairly straightforward and unornamented appearance, with long guards on the emitter extending its length beyond many other lightsaber designs.
Where to get Jaro Tapal's lightsaber parts:
Jaro Tapal's lightsaber is the lightsaber you begin the game with, so you don't need to do anything to unlock these lightsaber parts.
Patience lightsaber parts

The Patience lightsaber has a rigid-looking design, with simple grips and emitters, and a pleasingly rounded knob of a pommel. The switch is the most intricately decorated part on this lightsaber.
Where to get Patience lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Found in Rooftops on Coruscant
- Switch: Found in Rooftops on Coruscant
- Grip: Found in Renovation Site 4733 on Coruscant
- Pommel: Found in Foothill Falls on Koboh
Hunter lightsaber parts

The unusual Hunter lightsaber's design is inspired by the fauna of Koboh. Most notable is the giant tooth pommel, but look closer and you'll also appreciate the subtle scale-like pattern on the grip.
Where to get Hunter lightsaber parts:
The Hunter lightsaber is unlocked as a single collectible inside the large chest in Winding Ravine. To learn how to get there, check out our Jedi: Survivor Winding Ravine guide.
Edgehawk lightsaber parts

The Edgehawk lightsaber sports a strange design reminiscent of an old republic droid. In crossguard form you'll see that the vents are massive (though bear in mind this is purely cosmetic and has no gameplay effect). The rest of the lightsaber, with all its spikes and ridges, is about as far from "sleek" as you can get.
Where to get Edgehawk lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Found in Water Treatment Works on Koboh
- Switch: Found in Water Treatment Works on Koboh
- Grip: Found in Water Treatment Works on Koboh
- Pommel: Found in Rambler's Reach Outpost on Koboh
Diligence lightsaber parts

The Diligence lightsaber is a lovely saber with some subtle design choices that make it more interesting than the most basic designs, without tipping into intricate. The whole frame is fairly slender, with holes in the plating around the switch and emitter offsetting the wrapping style of the grip.
Where to get Diligence lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Found in Chamber Of Reason on Koboh
- Switch: Found in Forest Array on Koboh
- Grip: Found in Forest Array on Koboh
- Pommel: Found in Basalt Rift on Koboh
Serenity lightsaber parts

The Serenity lightsaber's most distinctive feature are the rows of lights along the grip. From a practical perspective, the grip doesn't look particularly "grippy", but otherwise I'm a big fan of this design, with the little details on its switch and emitter.
Where to get Serenity lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
- Switch: Found in Desert Ridge on Jedha
- Grip: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
- Pommel: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
Assembly lightsaber parts

The unmistakeable design of the Assembly lightsaber gives us a closer look at the inner workings and writings of the lightsaber than any other design in Jedi: Survivor. If you want to give your lightsaber an unrefined look, then slap a couple of Assembly parts on it.
Where to get Assembly lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
- Switch: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
- Grip: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
- Pommel: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
Justice lightsaber parts

The Justice lightsaber has a very neat fabric weave covering the grip, and its figurehead pommel is very unique. Otherwise, it's a pretty straightforward and unornamented (but still perfectly pleasant) design for a lightsaber.
Where to get Justice lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
- Switch: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
- Grip: Found in Trailhead Pantheon on Jedha
- Pommel: Found in Blustery Mesa on Jedha
Detachment lightsaber parts

The Detachment lightsaber has a venerable look about it, as though it's been in use for hundreds of years. It's a pretty intimidating and threatening design, with the dark metal grip and blender-like emitter spikes seemingly promising a swift death to challengers.
Where to get Detachment lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Found in Wayfinder's Tomb on Jedha
- Switch: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
- Grip: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
- Pommel: Found in Fogged Expanse on Koboh
Temperance lightsaber parts

The Temperance lightsaber style features a fairly thick and substantial grip, and some nice conical emitters - of which I'm a big fan. Its form looks more functional than elegant, which is not a bad thing. It all comes down to preference.
Where to get Temperance lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Found in Desert Ridge on Jedha
- Switch: Found in Timeworn Bridge on Jedha
- Grip: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
- Pommel: Purchased from Sister Taske at the Archive on Jedha
Scrapyard lightsaber parts

The Scrapyard lightsaber design is like a slightly less extreme version of the Assembly lightsaber, with its exposed wries and altogether coarse and crude appearance. Still, I'm a big fan of the knobbled grip and the intricate design of both the emitters and the switch.
Where to get Scrapyard lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Found in Veiled Hangar on Jedha
- Switch: Found in The Archive on Jedha
- Grip: Found in The Archive on Jedha
- Pommel: Found in Desert Passages on Jedha
Harmony lightsaber parts

The Harmony lightsaber feels like one of those particularly elegant designs left over from the Old Republic era. This lightsaber is all curves and carefully crafted asymmetry, and gives off a sense of duty and discipline.
Where to get Harmony lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Found in Automated Forge on Shattered Moon
- Switch: Found in Devastated Settlement on Koboh
- Grip: Found in Automated Forge on Shattered Moon
- Pommel: Found in Alignment Control Center on Koboh
Persistence lightsaber parts

The Persistence lightsaber peels back the primary material and colour and gives the accent colour a lot of room on the switch and emitter with which to stand out. A number of subtle design choices, like the raised curve on the grip and the asymmetrical emitter style, gives the whole lightsaber quite a sophisticated air.
Where to get Persistence lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Found in Chamber Of Connection on Koboh
- Switch: Found in Viscid Bog on Koboh
- Grip: Found in Loading Gantry on Koboh
- Pommel: Found in Lucrehulk Core on Koboh
Duelist lightsaber parts

The intimidating Duelist lightsaber walks the line between elegance and functionality, with some minor cosmetic choices (like the little handle on the side of the switch) giving it a classy feel, but the rigid grip and the spikes pommel making the whole thing look a lot more like a utilitarian weapon than a work of art.
Where to get Duelist lightsaber parts:
- Emitter: Found in Phon'Qi Caverns on Koboh
- Switch: Found in Phon'Qi Caverns on Koboh
- Grip: Found in Phon'Qi Caverns on Koboh
- Pommel: Found in Phon'Qi Caverns on Koboh
Santari Khri lightsaber parts

Santari Khri's lightsaber has a great design which perfectly fits with her character - a High Republic-era Jedi Master with a focus on mentorship and progression. It's a very elegant design with just a couple of pattern details on the switch and the pommel breaking up the rigid metal.
Where to get Santari Khri's lightsaber parts:
Santari Khri's lightsaber is found as a single collectible in a large chest in the Untamed Downs on Koboh, in a side cave with a back wall that must be blown apart using a Roller Mine from the nearby bunker.
Eno Cordova lightsaber parts

Jedi Master Eno Cordova's lightsaber is a personal favourite of mine. I love the straightforward flat-ended emitters on this lightsaber, as well as the clear and simple design of the grip and switch, with the tiny etchings on the switch giving off an air of the historical (or even ancient), which of course perfectly fits Cordova's personality and focus.
Where to get Eno Cordova's lightsaber parts:
Eno Cordova's lightsaber is found as a single collectible inside the Wayfinder's Tomb on Jedha. To access the Tomb itself you need to complete all three Path puzzles on Jedha and then take the elevator down. This is also where you find one of a handful of permanent Jedi: Survivor map upgrades.
Cere Junda lightsaber parts

Cere Junda, Cal's second master, uses a very interesting lightsaber design. The intricate knobs and layers of metalwork over the switch and emitter are offset by the more rugged and rudimentary cloth wraps around the grip. Another key aspect of this design is the large ringed pommel, which makes it look quite unlike any other lightsaber when not in double-bladed orientation.
Where to get Cere Junda's lightsaber parts:
Cere Junda's lightsaber is found as a single collectible just outside the entrance to The Archive on Jedha after the area comes under attack from the Empire.
Rebel Hero lightsaber parts

The Rebel Hero lightsaber is clearly inspired by the famous Skywalker lightsaber wielded in the films first by Anakin, and then by Luke, and finally Rey. It's a simple but iconic design, focusing on function over everything else.
Where to get Rebel Hero lightsaber parts:
The Rebel Hero lightsaber is a cosmetic addon that comes with purchasing the Deluxe Edition of Jedi: Survivor. You can also upgrade your Standard Edition to the Deluxe Edition to get this and other cosmetic bonuses.
Hermit lightsaber parts

The Hermit lightsaber is part of the larger Hermit cosmetic set modelled after the one and only Obi-Wan Kenobi. Much like the Rebel Hero lightsaber, the Hermit lightsaber is very clean and simple - an elegant weapon, for a more civilized age.
Where to get Hermit lightsaber parts:
The Hermit lightsaber is a cosmetic addon that is only available for players who pre-ordered Jedi: Survivor. It may appear at some point as downloadable content, but until then the only way to get the Hermit lightsaber parts is if you pre-ordered the game.
Jedi: Survivor lightsaber materials
There are over 100 different lightsaber materials to choose from in Jedi: Survivor, plus an additional 10 materials unique to the wrappings around the lightsaber's grip. Much like the lightsaber parts, you only begin the game with a small selection to choose from within the two "starter" sets, and must expand your repository of lightsaber materials by opening chests across the different Jedi: Survivor planets.
Lightsaber materials are divided into groups of 5, and each group you unlock gives you five unique materials with which to customise your saber. Below is the full list of every lightsaber materials group in the game, and where to get them:
- Starter Metal - available by default
- Starter Non-Metal - available by default
- Light Metal - Chest #2 in Derelict Dam on Koboh
- Warm Metal - Chest #2 in Winding Ravine on Koboh
- Two-Tone Metal - Chest #7 in Derelict Dam on Koboh
- Coated Metal - Chest #1 in Flooded Bunker on Koboh
- Worn Metal - Buy from Sister Taske at The Archive in Jedha (2 Scrolls)
- Anodized Metal - Defeat Tulakt at Holotactics in Pyloon Saloon on Koboh
- Unique Metal - Chest #2 in Automated Forge on Shattered Moon
- Imperial - Buy from Sister Taske at The Archive in Jedha (2 Scrolls)
- Hard Plastoid - Buy from Sister Taske at The Archive in Jedha (2 Scrolls)
- Bumpy Rubber - Chest #2 in Corroded Silo on Koboh
- Textured Rubber - Chest #1 in Imperial Post 8L-055 on Koboh
- Soft Leather - Buy from Sister Taske at The Archive in Jedha (2 Scrolls)
- Hard Leather - Chest #2 in Devastated Settlement on Koboh
- Wood - Chest in Path Of Conviction on Jedha
- Unique Non-Metal - Chest in Chamber Of Clarity on Koboh
- Coruscant Paint - Chest in Freight Handling Depot on Coruscant
- Kashyyyk Paint - Chest #2 in Southern Reach on Koboh
- Jedi Paint - Chest in Chamber Of Duality on Koboh
- Jedha Paint - Buy from Sister Taske at The Archive in Jedha (2 Scrolls)
- Rebel Paint - Buy from Sister Taske at The Archive in Jedha (2 Scrolls)
- Droid Paint - Chest #3 in Foothill Falls on Koboh
- Inquisitor Paint - Chest in Central Command on Nova Garon
- Cloth Wrap (cloth grip only) - available by default
- Silk (cloth grip only) - available by default
And that's everything you need to know about lightsaber parts, materials, colors, and customisation in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor! If you're looking for more ways to turn Cal into the most fearsome and powerful Jedi possible, check out our guides on the best perks in Jedi: Survivor, and on Jedi: Survivor Stim Canister locations to help keep Cal on his feet and swinging his all-new lightsaber as long as possible!