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Pick up Samsung's 1TB 980 NVMe SSD for less than £40

A great upgrade option for old machines and new builds alike.

Samsung's 980 SSD is the company's latest mainstream offering, combining PCIe 3.0 speeds with a DRAM-less design and TLC NAND. That makes it a cheaper alternative to their PCIe 4.0 drives with DRAM, but still more than fast enough for PC gaming. Therefore, it's worth knowing that the 1TB 980 is now available for less than £40 at Amazon, a £16 reduction from its usual price and less than half the cost it debuted at back in 2021.

This makes it an awesome choice for a cheap PC or laptop upgrade, offering a big improvement in access times, sequential speeds and random speeds compared to SATA SSDs which top out at 550MB/s. The Samsung 980, by comparison, is rated for up to 3500MB/s reads in its 1TB configuration, nearly five times faster. The difference in game load times isn't quite that much, but it's still a noticeable improvement... and with more DirectStorage games on the horizon that can better take advantage of these higher speeds, ensuring your OS and game storage is on NVMe should pay dividends.

1TB is also a great amount of storage space for your OS, media and games too, so it's worth considering an upgrade for any machines you may have that can take an NVMe drive but are hobbled with smaller 250GB or 500GB drives.

For more information on the Samsung 980, check out our Samsung 980 review - just bare in mind that the prices have changed substantially since then! We also have a lovely roundup of the best gaming SSDs which might be worth reading through too.

Thanks for joining me and I'll see you again later tonight with another PC deal!

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Will Judd


Will Judd is a journeyman from the forges of Digital Foundry, here to spread the good word about hardware deals and StarCraft.

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