Behaviour Interactive
FPS deathtrap-builder Meet Your Maker celebrates its first big update with a free trial
Try it for free until July 3rd
Give us more awkward celebrity cameos at video game live shows
Summer Game Fest finally provided a hit of the content I need
Silent Hill: Ascension's new trailer teases some very on-brand fleshy monsters
Twitch Plays Pokémon meets intergenerational trauma
Blumhouse are adapting Dead By Daylight into a film
Not the start of a horror cinematic universe, unfortunately
Post-apocalyptic FPS Meet Your Maker is getting an open beta in February
Hailing from Dead By Daylight devs Behaviour Interactive
Dead By Daylight devs unveil post-apocalyptic PvP game Meet Your Maker
Behaviour Interactive's new "building-and-raiding" game will release April 4th 2023
Hooked On You: A Dead By Daylight Dating Sim just launched on Steam
Four killers to romance on Murderer’s Island
Resident Evil big-bad Albert Wesker is coming to Dead By Daylight soon
Project W revamps the RPD map, introduces Rebecca and Ada
Apocalyptic FPS Meet Your Maker will have you raiding and defending forts in 2023
It’s the new game from the Dead By Daylight devs
Dead By Daylight devs are plotting to end the game’s grind, permanently
Overhauls to the progression system should cut grind by “roughly 75%”
Dead By Daylight invites the bogeyman to its sixth birthday party
Developers Behaviour Interactive also acquire Scavengers studio Midwinter Entertainment
Deals: Halo Wars: Definitive Edition heads up a handful of Steam free weekends
It's a wonder we even pay for games sometimes
A space marine hunts parkour archers as Deathgarden hits early access next week
Urban chic versus military parade dress
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